United Pastors for Social Empowerment
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Welcome to United Pastors for Social Empowerment!


UPSE is a collaboration of Pastors, institutions and community members that come together to address the issues that disproportionately affect poor and marginalized populations living in our local post-industrial context. We feel that the most effective way to address these issues is from a faith based-community collaboration and by utilizing a solution-centered approach.

Building upon the strengths of community institutions, human services organizations and the faith based communities we are committed to obtaining positive outcomes in the following focus areas:

- Community Health

- Community Education (education equity, success, and retention)

- Community Development (closing the wealth gap)

- Community Justice


Obviously, we feel that this is a new approach to address urban problems and meet the needs of the community. The group meets at 5:30 PM the 2nd Monday of each month at The Croxton Auditorium at the Toledo Hospital just off the lobby in the older "Legacy" building.


Here is our vision and mission:



The United Pastors for Social Empowerment, a coalition of pastors, is committed to using its collective power to effectively empower communities of color and marginalized populations economically, socially, politically, and spiritually. 


   The United Pastors for Social Empowerment is an independent ecumenical group of senior pastors working in collaboration with community leaders and institutions to challenge the crises and disparities affecting the poor, marginalized, and communities of color through public policy advocacy, community development and through political empowerment and coalition building.


Tickets are almost sold out!  Click here to register for the Social Impact Awards: REGISTRATION.


From The Toledo Blade (click photo to go to full article): 
From The Toledo Blade (click photo to go to full article):
                                                   From The Toledo Blade (click photo to go to full article):